Over the past 2 years, we've all had mixed experiences with virtual schooling. Fortunately, 1-on-1 virtual instruction with The Joy of Learning is far more engaging than online school. Here’s how.
1. Hands on Activities
Lessons are multi-sensory, which means they engage our senses of sight, hearing, touch, and movement. Lessons include hands on materials, movement, and games, just like in person.
2. More affordable rates because Teachers don't have to travel
It takes a seasoned professional a lot of time and energy to create personalized lessons for your child and then travel to your location, or pay to have a local office space. With virtual sessions, that savings is passed on to you.
3.Access to top quality Learning specialists from around the country.
A learning specialist is a teacher who has specialized training in teaching reading, writing, and math to students with learning differences that goes above and beyond that of a classroom teacher. When you work with a learning specialist virtually, you don't have to rely on the limited supply of local tutors, who may be full or less qualified than the ones available virtually.
4. Students cherish their relationships with their teachers
Unlike the stress of a chaotic large group setting over zoom, students build meaningful 1-on-1 connections with their learning specialists and look forward to their time together.
4. Transparency - You can listen in on what your child is learning
Have you ever wished you could be a fly on the wall and listen in on what your child is doing without being intrusive? When your student does virtual sessions with a learning specialist, they can sit at the kitchen table while you make dinner and get valuable insights into their learning.
6. Convenience - No need for Families to Travel
Doesn't your family do enough running around? With virtual sessions, you don't have to get anywhere during rush hour, and your family can multitask (or not!)
7. No Covid Worries!
Sessions can be done without masks, and there is no need to cancel due to covid exposures.
The Joy of Learning provides customized support in reading, writing, and math for students with diverse learning styles, providing the foundation they need to excel.We teach in- person in Boulder, Denver, and the SF Bay area, and virtually at your location.